>>>...just about my favorite b&w episode of TAGS, The Jinx with character actor 
>>>great John
Qualen.He got special billing as Guest Star and rightly so. We all have
special moments from TAGS but to me, I get choked  up like others watching
that touuching heartwarming and powerful scene at Floyds where , just for
the moment folks, the bad guys of Mayberry make sport of Henry Bennett. Kind
decent humble and decent like others from Mayberry, the tables are turned
when his only support was from Andy and Aunt Bee. He comes in, he himself is
ready to cry out upon his entrance that he must leave because ,he is looked
upon now as the outsider not fitting in who has unleashed a wave of bad luck
upon our beloved Mayberry. Note the choking up effect ,the on verge of tears
John Qualen as Henry Bennett. It breaks me up. Our heads tell us its all
playacting but our heart tells us, its brilliant writing and acting as only
Henry Bennett can show us.<<<

I agree with you, Tom.  That always touches me, too.  John Qualen does a great 
job playing Henry Bennett and makes us feel real compassion for the character.  
This episode shows how deeply people can be hurt by what others think is 
harmless fun.  There are probably Henry Bennetts in about every town, people 
who are the brunt of others' jokes or scorn and who are hurting far more than 
other folks realize.

John Qualen was a gifted actor.  He had a very good role in the old movie "His 
Girl Friday" with Cary Grant and Rosiland Russell.  In a way, it was a similar 
role, a man who was misunderstood by others and who was hurting deeply because 
of it.  He was very convincing playing that type of character.

Thelma Lou

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