I think I sent this in when the blog may have been down.  If I just missed it 
my apology for the repeat.  If not, here goes:

Our local newspaper recently ran a story titled, ""Not Many Mayberrys: 
Patroling the countryside isn't what it used to be"

Here's the direct quotes from Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills:

The department doesn't have a Web site. It does, however, boast a mobile 
command post - an extra-long, camper-style trailer - that sports an array 
state-of-the-art computers and communications gizmos. Also inside, a DVD 
collection: "The Andy Griffith Show."
"They're the best training films that ever was," Sills says. "Thank God I 
remember it. Because practically nobody that works here does. But I remember 
Mayberry. And nothing would make me happier than to go back to it."

You can find the full story at  

I'd be curious to hear of any other law enforcement people who have similar 

Ben Sandifer
Macon, GA  (proud birthplace of Sam Edwards; aka Sam Muggins (The Christmas 
Story), Lester Scobey (Andy Forecloses), Fred (The Bazaar) and Tom Bedlow (The 
Lodge/The Barbershsop Quartet)

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