It is the belief that small towns like our beloved Mayberry actually exist 
today.Mayberry was
and is a much simpler time & place.Folks actually cared for each other and lent 
a helping hand
when needed...and they did not hold out THEIR hand wanting to be paid for 
it.People in Mayberry
carried on a family oriented conversation at the dinner table.People today have 
a fork in one hand
and some type electronic gadget in the other.Yes,Mayberry had a disturbance 
occasionally,but your
kids could play outside without a parent's fear that their child would be 
harmed in any way.Kids then
had manners and respect for their parents...'cause they knew they would get 
their behinds tanned.
Today, for the most part,as long as the children don't bug them,the parents are 
happy campers.
And yes,Barney was a little scared in certain situations & Gomer may not have 
been the sharpest
knife in the drawer.But then again,I think we all exhibit some of these traits 
at times.
The episodes may only last thirty minutes,but they can transport me to a place 
of nirvana for a much
longer period of time.Thinking of certain episodes can get me through a rough 
patch in my life at times.
They sometimes fill a void that picks me up when reality knocks me down.
In closing,we all know that TAGS is fictional,but for a brief period of time,we 
can relish in the simplicity
of the show.We can be kids like Opie & his pals and we can be young lovers 
again much like Josh & Hannah.
Or,we can be a wise sage like Andy.Either way,it is a win win for 
us.Well,'gotta go.This has got me wanting
to pull up an episode on Netflix.
Dewey in NC
Barbers at one time combined shaving and haircutting with bloodletting & 
pulling teeth.
(Can you see Floyd pulling teeth...he would probably get one gum higher than 
the other).
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