We are all aware that 'ol Ben Weaver was a Scrooge.Some miniscule amount of 
humanity must have
touched his soul as he stood on a crate peering into the jail cell at the 
festivities going on within.Even
Ben gave presents to everyone in the courthouse.
The above statement leads to this question.What Christmas present would you 
give to some of the TAGS
characters?I will start the old proverbial ball rolling.
Andy:A renewal subscription to National Geographic.
Barney:A cartridge belt full of shiney bullets.
Aunt Bee:A six pack of Colonel Harvey's Indian Elixer.
Opie:A bicycle to go under the bell for which he was saving to buy.
Emma:A mega bottle of her miracle pills.
Otis:A can of firefly repellant.
Goober:A batch of new comic books.
Howard:A jar of mustache wax.
Emmett:A pack of 27" shoe laces.
Ernest T:A monogramed rock totin' sack.
Gomer:A smoke detector for the filling station.
Briscoe:A custom made case for his multi-sound musical jug.
Floyd:An autographed picture of Calvin Coolidge.
Mayor Stoner:An invitation to the Governor's Ball.
Leon:A jar of peanut butter and one of jelly.
Clara:A round trip ticket to The National Pickle Preserving Convention.
Luke Jensen:A new pair of glasses.
Jim Lindsey:A box of guitar picks.
Malcolm Tucker:A good quality apple peeling knife.
Thelma Lou:A tour package for two to the legendary duck pond.
Dewey in NC
The Scottish name "Campbell"  actually means "crooked mouth" in 
Gaelic...poor,poor Otis.                                          
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