It's always amazing how little touches of Mayberry show up in your life, if 
that's your point of view. My wife and I went to a "Broadway Under the Stars" 
concert tonight here in Montgomery, Ala. Of course, my first thought was of 
"The Sermon for Today" and Mayberry's effort to put on a band concert ("Get 
under there with those spiders!"). Even though the city put some signs up, they 
really didn't need to. When I heard the music, I knew there was a concert and I 
knew it was tonight (and thankfully it wasn't cloudy). 

Then right before the concert, we could see the International Space Station 
flying over and I thought of "Man in a Hurry" - Men are orbiting the earth! 

It's just great to be a Mayberry fan!

Doug in Montgomery

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