There was a request for a few more memory posts,so here goes:
*Shooting marbles...remember favorite "toy" & "Tiger eye" marble?
*Looking under the bed for the boogy man before climbing into bed
*Putting your tooth under the pillow and hoping the tooth fairy will leave a 
nickle...heck with a nickle,kids
  want "folding money" now
*As a family outing,picking out for those dadgum red bugs!
*Knock knock jokes
*Throwing rocks at glass insulators atop utility poles(bad bad boy)
*Licking the leftover icing from your mama's cake bowl...heckfire,I still do it
*Driving drag down tobacco rows...mind you now,I said driving,not dressing!
*Taps on the heels of your shoes...made a teenage boy cooler than James Dean
*Wearing your belt buckle to either side,not in front...another cool factor
*As a family,watching Ed Sullivan Show(remember the name of the mouse?)Ted Mack 
Original Amateur Hour,
  I've Got a Secret,Mr. Ed, a teenager,watching The Midnight Special 
with Wolfman Jack
*Thinking of a name for a stray dog that took up at your house(took up at your 
house?)yes,I am from the South
*Turning the crank on a churn of homemade ice cream
*Digging,not buying,your own fish bait
*Using said bait to go fishing with my daddy
*Step on a crack,break your mama's back
*Candlestick & crank telephones
*Wishing and dreaming while looking through a Sears & Roebuck catalog.When you 
were through with it,it was outhouse bound
*Snatching the funny pages from your father's Sunday edition newspaper
*Fashioning a red cape and pretending you were Superman
*As a boy,using your daddy's shaving brush and pretending you were shaving
*Learning you are not the center of the universe when a new young'un arrives in 
the family
*Catching turtles and painting their shells...PETA would have frowned on this
*Mixing chocolate powder & sugar,putting a pinch between your gums and 
pretending the mixture is snuff
*Anticipating my mama's Sunday meal after church
*Enjoying sweet tea and a biscuit as a between meal snack
*Chasing my sisters with a crawfish,frog,snake,or any handy creach'ture
*Cleaning erasers in grade school for extra credit/punishment
*For a boy or girl,having a crush on a teacher
*As a young boy,assuming "peach fuzz" on your upper lip as a moustache
*As a ten year old boy,your mama's eyeliner made a mighty fine moustache
*Yelling "do over" when something went awry
*Eeeny meeney miney mo...
*Hearing your parent's warnings:don't cross your eyes,they might stay like 
that/don't run with scissors in your hand/
  quit making a face like that,it might freeze that way/quit mocking your 
*Helping string popcorn as Christmas garland
*Going with your daddy,axe in hand,into the woods looking for that 
elusive,perfect Christmas tree
*Using the funny papers as gift wrapping paper
*Pouring water down the throat of a hand pump to prime it...boy,that sure was a 
cold and tasty reward for the effort
*As a young boy,getting your first pocket knife---mine was a cheap,plastic 
handled one,but to me,
 it was a fine piece of cutlery.About a month ago,I gave it to my nine year old 
*Little Rascals,Amos -n-Andy,SkyKing,Lone Ranger,Sugarfoot,Three Stooges
*Tic-Tac-Toe/Hangman/Tracing the outline of your hand with a pencil
*Puting a coin under a piece of paper and scruffing the paper with a pencil to 
trace image of the coin
*Building bird houses from scrap lumber
*Following through on a I double-dog-dare someone else 
to post some memories
Dewey in NC
If a parsley farmer is sued,can they garnish his wages?
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