Well, we had a great time in Mt. Airy Saturday. Downtown was buzzing and boy 
did Debbie and Darrel make us feel welcome at Mayberry on Main - colorful 
banner greeting and all! LOL. I just ate some of the Mayberry's Finest cinnamon 
muffins and yum yum - "now thar is a thang!". 

We also enjoyed a pork chop sandwich at Snappy. Mr. Dowell isn't cooking 
anymore but he was there watching over things. My, those waitresses hop!

We hit some other stores and bought a few things and enjoyed a little music at 
the theater during the "Merry-Go-Round" broadcast.

And thanks to the ladies at the visitor's center for a little info we didn't 
know about Chang and Eng Bunker. 

It was a good time in Mayberry!

Y'all come see us,

Roger & Donna
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