Say, now....won't all that ice on the trees purty?? And that cold snap made 
 it hard on the chickens as well. Went to the henhouse to gather the eggs 
and  they was all frez up.  I drapped one and it shattered into little 
pieces!  Have Mercy!!  Why I hain't even seen Otis or Ernest T cuttin' thru my 
woods  lately!  Went down to the pond to catch me a couple a' bream for supper 
and  mercy sakes, I had to come back to the house and get my axe to chop a 
hole in  the ice so's I could fish!  Finally got me a couple and brang them 
home,  got'em cleaned and in the pan. I tell you one thang,.,,fresh fishes 
out'en yer  own pond is shore better than them ones you gets outta one a'them 
fancy grostery  stores what sells ever'thang from choklit covered ants to 
fried hoppergrasses!!  Even seed a can of stewed Canary! 
Gotta go get another armload of farwood fer the stove. Startin' to cool off 
 a little so need to stoke the far a bit and warm it up in here a bit. 
Y'all keep yer farwood handy so don't nobody freeze up now. S'pose to be  
a'gettin' warmer but be safe anyway!
Old Man Kelsey Choppin' wood
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