I love watching "Dennis the Menace"..that kid can get into more mischief and 
get Mr. Wilson into
more predictments...Yesterday he was not allowed in Mr. Wilson's yard but 
accidently shot an
arrow and broke one of Mr. Wilson's windows...Of course all of this reminded me 
of Opie and 
his slingshot and baseball. I got to thinking the many times our little Opie 
got himself into unwanted
trouble..here are some I can think of...Maybe there are more.
1. shooting his slingshot and killing the mother bird
2. Eating apples in the back of an Elm City delivery truck and winding up in 
Elm City
3. The tape recorder attached to the dog to fool Goober
4. The same tape recorder used to eaves drop on a prisoner
5. Allowing Arnold to practice piano lessons for him
6. Breaking Aunt Bee's prize rose (actually he didn't do it, Arnold did)
7. Speaking up at housekeeper Rose's wedding...
8. Breaking a window in the neighbor's house and the Remshaw house

9.Going to visit Gomer in the Marines
10. Breaking what he thought was an expensive bottle of perfume
How many other "Dennis the Menace" type goofs can you come up with that Opie 
may have committed...

Vic Friskey
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