Here I am securitizing another Mayberry scene. I apologize, its just my 
character. Like Barney said " I just quit fighting it ". On the episode with 
the Church organ replacement and the unpaid pledges, at the very end Opie comes 
in with a scuffed up shirt. Andy and Aunt Bee are unsettled about this..... and 
on a Sunday ! Opie gives his pledge , a pledge that had to have some coercing ( 
hurrying Johnny Paul up a little bit ) involved to get it. Andy smiled after 
learning of this. Now we know money shouldn't be a reason to give one a good 
dressing down. If so Andy will be going around giving what for's to those other 
If you will look at Harland just before this scene, he has his right hand on 
the couch. It appears he has a band aid on his finger. Maybe that's the real 
reason he was going to put off building his barn...... hmmm ?
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry
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