Quote of the Day

2016-05-26 Thread Newsome, James A
ANDY: I'd say we're better off than a lot of people. Got a roof over our heads, Aunt Bee--finest food you ever put in your mouth-- Barney for a friend. Yeah, in some ways I'd say we are rich. BARN: You see Opie, it ain't only the materialistic things in this world that m

Quote of the Day

2016-05-25 Thread Newsome, James A
BARNEY: Zz. ANDY: HOW YOU DOIN', BARN? BARN: Andy. Hhh. ANDY: Asleep? BARN: Nawh, I was just watchin' traffic. ANDY: How da' ya' watch traffic with your eyes closed? BARN: They weren't closed. I just had 'em squinched up so they couldn't see me lookin'.

Quote of the Day

2015-08-11 Thread Allan Newsome
Quote of the Day Eleanora: Oh, I can feel it. You're going to be another Leonard Blush. Barney: Oh no, that's too much to ask. Eleanora: Why not? He just walked in here off the street one day. Two years later he sang the Star Spangled Banner at the opening of the County Insecticide

Quote of the day

2012-01-05 Thread Allan Newsome
BARN: Oh, he's loaded. Floyd: I wonder how he got all that money. Barn: You kiddin? Wilson's Orthopedic Insoles? Floyd: That's the Charlie Wislon we know? Barn: Yeah . . . got out of the fruit stand business and made a bundle.he's a smart man..knew where the money was. FLOY

Another quote of the day

2010-05-18 Thread Larry Hamrick
Hey, Mayberry friends. I love this: "Just what can you do with a grown woman?"Opie Taylor Larry in Lincolnton ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Quote of the Day

2010-03-12 Thread Allan Newsome
--- ANDY: Now, looky herewe better talk about this thing.. Now, now, now, looky here Opie. You can't give a little piddling amount like three cents to a worthy cause like the Under Privileged Children's Drive. Why, I was readin' here just the other day where ther

Quote of the Day

2010-02-13 Thread Allan Newsome
Andy: "You think it's right for Sarah to listen in on his phone calls?" Aunt Bee: "No, of course not. And before she said one word I told her straight out she shouldn't do it. Gossiping is very rude." Andy: "Good for you, Aunt Bee." Bee: "And I'm not one to carry tales about people either. ...W

Quote of the Day

2010-02-10 Thread Allan Newsome
BARNEY: Oh, it's no use, Andy! Can you tell a bird to talk?! Can you tell a bird to just go 'chirp, chirp, chirp?' No, Andy, I'm like a bird. I was born to sing. ...Well if you'll excuse me I got some throat spray out in the car. If I'm gonna be doin' solos I better give myself a couple s

Quote of the Day

2010-02-09 Thread Allan Newsome
I don't trust him Andy, and you know why? a. A guy moves into town. 2. He has no job; and c. He wants to marry Mrs. Bendelmright. Barney, you're gassed! ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Quote of the Day

2010-02-01 Thread Allan Newsome
Andy: Luther, you're a little late now and then. Luther: What ya say? Andy: I say you're late! You're draggin'. Luther: Yeah, it sounds real good to me too! Andy: No, Luther! It was off! It was way off! Luther: How's that? Andy: It was off! Luther: Yes. --- _

Quote of the Day

2010-02-01 Thread Allan Newsome
ANDY: I'd say we're better off than a lot of people. Got a roof over our heads, Aunt Bee--finest food you ever put in your mouth-- Barney for a friend. Yeah, in some ways I'd say we are rich. BARN: You see Opie, it ain't only the materialistic things in this world that makes a

Quote of the Day

2010-01-29 Thread Allan Newsome
Opie: "...but I don't understand why you're supposed to be happy about losin'." Andy: You don't have to be happy about it. None of us are. I've lost a whole lot of times and I've been just as unhappy about it as I could be. Andy: You see, as you grow older you're gonna be doin' an awful lot

Quote of the Day

2010-01-27 Thread Allan Newsome
Barney: I don't trust him Andy, and you know why? a. A guy moves into town. 2. He has no job; and c. He wants to marry Mrs. Bendelmright. Andy: Barney, you're gassed! - ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com

Quote of the Day

2010-01-27 Thread Allan Newsome
BARNEY: Hello Floyd, this is Barney Fife. Who's in the chair...well get rid of 'em. I'm coming over and I'm ready for action.! That's right I want the works. Shave haircut, witch Hazel, O.D. cologne, toliet water...If it smells I want it. _

1/26 quote of the day

2010-01-26 Thread Martha Humphreys
LOL ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Quote of the Day

2010-01-26 Thread Ken Anderson
Reading Allan's quote of the day brought back a memory from my high school days. We would also write something in our books. It went something like this. This book belongs to Kenneth G. Anderson. If found please throw in a fire. Amazing what hidden memories are brought back by various

Quote of the Day

2010-01-25 Thread Allan Newsome
Barney: Hi Andy. Andy:Hi Barn. Barney:Look at that would ya. Andy:What's That? Barney: My old history book. The one I used way back in the eighth Grade. Andy: I'll be dog. (Andy takes the book and sits down at the desk. Barney stands beside him.) Barney: Yeah, With all this

Quote of the Day

2010-01-25 Thread Allan Newsome
I don't trust him Andy, and you know why? a. A guy moves into town. 2. He has no job; and c. He wants to marry Mrs. Bendelmright. Barney, you're gassed! - ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.may

Quote of the Day

2010-01-23 Thread Allan Newsome
This is when Ron Bailey, a spoiled teenager played by Bill Bixby, was held in the Mayberry jail once for hit and run. Otis: "Hey, what're you doin' in my cell?" Ron: "Your cell?" Otis: "That's right. That's been my cell every Saturday night for the last ump-teen years. Now will you kindly

Quote of the Day

2010-01-22 Thread Allan Newsome
Barney: "Boy you insist on flyin' right in the face of scientific fact don't ya?" Andy: "Scientific fact?" Barney: "There are atmospheric rays which control bodily motions. Now if a person containin' negative or hexin' qualities gets between you and them rays, well he creates a static that

Quote of the Day

2010-01-21 Thread Allan Newsome
Opie: "Guess where I been!" Andy: "Well I give up. Where?" Opie: "I can't tell ya. But ya know what I did? I joined a club!" Andy: "Well that's fine. What club was that?" Opie: "I can't tell ya." Andy: "You're kinda' secret ain't ya?" Opie: "Uh huh. Know where we meet?" Andy: "No. Where?" Opi

Quote of the Day

2010-01-20 Thread Allan Newsome
Andy: "Don't that seem a little strange to you - a customer goin' back to the barber shop the very next day?" Barney: "No." Andy: "No?" Barney: "No. Didn't you ever hear of a person with a compelsion complex?" Andy: "A what?" Barney: "Compelsion complex. You know, like when folks gotta be washi

Quote of the Day

2010-01-12 Thread Allan Newsome
ANDY: Something botherin' you? BARNEY: Aw, I don't know...just wondering where we're gonna eat lunch. ANDY: What about the Diner? BARN: I checked the special on the way in. Chicken wings, rice, and mixed vegetables. ANDY: That don't sound bad. BARN: You know w

Quote of the Day

2010-01-03 Thread Allan Newsome
FLOYD: Oh, no. He wouldn't have gone there. You know what they charge for things in the big city. ANDY: Yeah, Floyd. An arm and a leg. FLOYD: An arm and a leg.an arm and a leg! Say! That's funny. An arm and a leg, I want to remember that one. Did you hear that on TV?

Quote of the Day

2009-12-30 Thread Allan Newsome
--- ANDY:Well, you've got three sandwiches in here. BARN:Well, that's right: two for lunch time and one for late in the day when I get my sinking spell. ANDY:Well, we'll get you another one. BARN:That's on salt-risen bread, you know. ANDY:Well, we'll get on salt-r

Quote of the Day

2009-01-22 Thread Allan Newsome
Andy: Luther, you're a little late now and then. Luther: What ya say? Andy: I say you're late! You're draggin'. Luther: Yeah, it sounds real good to me too! Andy: No, Luther! It was off! It was way off! Luther: How's that? Andy: It was off! Luther: Yes. __

Quote of the Day

2009-01-22 Thread Allan Newsome
Opie: "You wanna rub my head?" Andy: "I wanna what?" Opie: "Go on. I'm a redhead you know. ...I'm just helpin' ya take precautions against a jinx." Andy: "Where'd you learn that?" Barney: "Oh he probably picked it up somewhere's, Andy. You know how kids are. They're always pickin' things up

Quote of the Day

2008-08-05 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARN: An officer.. ANDY: Of.. BARN: An officer of.. ANDY: An officer of.the. BARN: An officer of the ANDY: of the.what? BARN: An officer of the what.that don't

Feeling Sappy at the Quote of the Day

2008-07-26 Thread Michael Zimmerman
You see Opie, it ain't only the materialistic things in this world that makes a person rich. There's love and friendship and the Andy Griffith bulletin board.That can make a person rich. Sorry. Feeling sappy today. But I love the quotes. Martha Huntsville, AL -

quote of the day, Floyd

2008-07-23 Thread Marcia Hancock
Always love the quote of the day--you can actually hear the actors saying them.  Floyd was such a dear character..love to hear nice things said about him and the actor who portrayed him.  The best show with the best characters ever to be on tv. Marcia from Evansville

quote of the day

2008-07-23 Thread Nancy Loadholt
Ahhh, Allan, what could I add except AMEN..AMENAMEN. NANCY ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Quote of the Day

2008-07-23 Thread Allan Newsome
-- ANDY: I'd say we're better off than a lot of people. Got a roof over our heads, Aunt Bee--finest food you ever put in your mouth-- Barney for a friend. Yeah, in some ways I'd say we are rich. BARN: You see Opie, it ain't only the materialistic things in this world that makes a p

Quote of the Day

2008-07-22 Thread Anita Carpenter
Hey Allan, Thanks so much for the quote of the day, as I read each line, I could hear our dear Andy and Barney saying them. You brightened my day and I thank you kindly! Anita Carpenter One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!! ___ WB

Quote of the Day

2008-07-22 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARNEY:You know, a few years back a similar thing happened to me. ANDY: Yeah? BARN: Maybe I never told you about it. The girls name was Halcyon Loretta Winslow. ANDY: Pretty name. BARN: Ugliest girl you ever saw in your life. What happened was her father got i

re: Quote of the Day

2008-07-03 Thread dudleygl
>>BARNEY:??? You know, a few years back a similar thing happened to me. >>ANDY:? Yeah? >>BARN:? Maybe I never told you about it.? The girls name was Halcyon >>Loretta Winslow. ? Is this the same Winslow girl that Ernest T. courted? His pet name for her was "Hogette." ? Alf & Ralph Monroe

Quote of the Day

2008-07-02 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARNEY:You know, a few years back a similar thing happened to me. ANDY: Yeah? BARN: Maybe I never told you about it. The girls name was Halcyon Loretta Winslow. ANDY: Pretty name. BARN: Ugliest girl you ever saw in your life. What happened was her father got i

Quote of the Day

2008-07-01 Thread Allan Newsome
-- Juanita, Juanita, Lovely, dear Juanita, From your head down to your feet, There's nothing half so sweet, As Juanita, Juanita, Juanit. Oh, there are things of wonder, Of which men like to sing. There are pretty sunsets and birds upon the wing, But of the joys of nature, None truly can co

Quote of the Day

2008-07-01 Thread Allan Newsome
-- FLOYD: 92people always talking about the weather but nobody does anything about it.(Pause). You know who said that?.Calvin Coolidge said that. ANDY:No Floyd, Calvin Coolidge didn't say that. Mark Twain said that. FLOYD: Are you sure Mark Twain didn't get that

Quote of the Day

2008-06-27 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARNEY:Gentlemen, I have the following announcement to make. Count Iztvan Telecky EXIST!! -- ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Quote of the Day

2008-06-26 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARN: The last big buy I made was my Mom's and Dad's anniversary present. ANDY: What'd ya' get 'em? BARN: A septic tank. ANDY: For their anniversary? BARN: They're awfully hard to buy for. Besides, it was something they can use. They were really thrilled.

Quote of the Day

2008-06-24 Thread Allan Newsome
-- RAFE: I ain't never been to a doctor in my life. When I was born, I had my mamma. When I die, I'll have the undertaker. I don't see no sense in clutterin' up things in between. -- ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com

Quote of the Day

2008-06-23 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARNEY: What man would vote for a woman? FOLEY: The same weak kneed, chicken livered, turn coat that would sign a petition! BARNEY: I'm just waitin' for you to go to far. -- ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com ht

Quote of the Day

2008-06-20 Thread Allan Newsome
-- ANDY: Boy, do think men will ever go to the moon? ED: Sure I do. ANDY: Boy, your already there. -- ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Quote of the Day

2008-06-19 Thread Allan Newsome
-- ERNEST T.:No coffee, tea or punch. Thank you. -- ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Quote of the Day

2008-06-17 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARNEY:I'd like to make a reservation. Table for two about quarter past one.Yeah...B. Fife...That's right. Oh, and listen, put a bottle of your best red wine on ice for me will you?.Room temperature? Oh, well, that's a matter of taste. -- _

Quote of the Day

2008-06-15 Thread Allan Newsome
-- AUNT BEE:I was admiring your hearty appetites. BRISCOE: I bet it does your heart good to see a real eater at work, huh? ANDY:Y' all cooking for yourselves now that Charlene's married, are you? BRISCOE: Oh, the boys there. They been takin' turns. They're j

Quote of the Day

2008-06-12 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARNEY: Mayberry Sheriff's office; Town headquarters; Andy Taylor Sheriff; Deputy Barney Fife speaking, Hello? -- ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Quote of the Day

2008-06-12 Thread hyperauntjan1
This was from "The Cow Thief" - the mayor brings in a state investigator and Barney regards him as nothing more than an interloper. Of course this changes when the investigator recalls an article Barney wrote about safety on county roads. " Walk on the left after dark,and you'll wind up playing

Quote of the Day

2008-06-11 Thread Allan Newsome
-- ANDY:Remember, Barn. Just you and me. The Big Freeze. -- ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Quote of the day

2008-06-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For all the trained noticers out there and trivial triviality thinkers, I think it would be a good idea, when Allan has the "quote of the day", to see who can name which episode it's from. I'd like to see just how good you are. "Get to it!" Brenda

Quote of the Day

2008-06-10 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARN: Zz. ANDY: HOW YOU DOIN', BARN? BARN: Andy. Hhh. ANDY: Asleep? BARN: Nawh, I was just watchin' traffic. ANDY: How da' ya' watch traffic with your eyes closed? BARN: They weren't closed. I just had 'em squinched up so they couldn't

Quote of the Day

2008-06-09 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARNEY: Well, where's Aunt Bee with lunch? She's usually here and gone by now. ANDY: She's a little late. BARNEY: Well, I'm hungry, Ange. ANDY: She'll be along in a few minutes. Relax BARN: Well, I happen to have this low sugar-blood content, and if I don't g

Quote of the Day

2008-06-08 Thread Allan Newsome
-- ANDY: Something botherin' you? BARNEY: Aw, I don't know...just wondering where we're gonna eat lunch. ANDY: What about the Diner? BARN: I checked the special on the way in. Chicken wings, rice, and mixed vegetables. ANDY: That don't sound bad. BARN: Y

Quote of the Day

2008-06-07 Thread Allan Newsome
-- ERNEST T:No coffee, tea or punch thank you. ANDY: That's fine, Ernest T., but you're talkin' through your nose. ERNEST T:I know. I do that on purpose, so I can talk whilest I eat. -- ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@w

Quote of the Day

2008-06-06 Thread Allan Newsome
-- FLOYD: Oh, no. He wouldn't have gone there. You know what they charge for things in the big city. ANDY: Yeah, Floyd. An arm and a leg. FLOYD: An arm and a leg.an arm and a leg! Say! That's funny. An arm and a leg, I want to remember that one. Did you hear that

Quote of the Day

2008-06-05 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARN: Hi, Floyd. ANDY: Floyd. FLOYD: Oh, hello Barn, Andy. BARN: Floyd, have you seen anything of Otis lately? FLOYD: No, not since yesterday morning. Said he was leaving town. ANDY: Leaving town? FLOYD: Mm, hm. He came in for a shave...twice over too. T

Quote of the Day

2008-06-03 Thread Allan Newsome
-- HELEN: Lydia, would you like a pretzel? LYDIA: No thank you. They lay on my chest. HELEN: I'm sorry. Goober? GOOBER: Yo! BARNEY(to Andy): Not much lays on his chest. -- ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com

Quote of the Day

2008-06-01 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARN: Shew flyhe's dead. -- ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Quote of the Day

2008-05-31 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARNEY: Let's see. I'm not too hungry this morning. I'll have uhorange juice, bowl of cereal, stack of wheats, three eggs over--make sure they ain't runny now Olive--bacon on the crisp side, white toast buttered, hash brown potatoes, and coffee--coffee and cream. OLIVE:

Quote of the Day

2008-05-31 Thread debranger
Hi Everyone! I Love, Love, Love the Quote of The Day! GREAT JOB ALLAN!!! Berkeley Heights Aunt Bee ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Quote of the Day

2008-05-30 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARNEY: I don't know how they do it for 80 cents. ANDY:I don't either, I tell you. BARN:Three Vienna sausages-heavy on the tomato puree, slice of bread, and butter on a paper dish. ANDY:And more than an ample portion of succotash. Don't leave out the succot

Quote of the Day

2008-05-29 Thread Allan Newsome
-- BARNEY:Ain't chicken spelled "i-n"? ANDY:No, he's got it right. BARN:You sure? ANDY:Uh-huh. "I" before "e" except after "c" and "e" before "n" in chicken. BARN:Aw, yeahI always forget that rule. -- ___

Quote of the Day

2008-05-28 Thread Allan Newsome
--- ANDY:Well, you've got three sandwiches in here. BARN:Well, that's right: two for lunch time and one for late in the day when I get my sinking spell. ANDY:Well, we'll get you another one. BARN:That's on salt-risen bread, you know. ANDY:Well, we'll get on salt-ris

Quote of the Day

2008-05-26 Thread Allan Newsome
--- OPIE:It ain't easy gettin a peanut butter and jelly sandwich down dry. Yesterday, I almost choked. --- ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com http://www.mayberry.com/tagsrwc/wbmutbb/

Quote of the Day

2008-05-25 Thread Allan Newsome
-- ANDY:Sarah...fine how are you..Well, soak it Sarah. Soak it a lot in warm salt water. Uh, listen Sarah, get me Thelma Lou will ya'? I know she's Barney's girl.Cause I don't want to..I don't want to talk to Juanita...just get meThelma Lou. --- ___