>Can anyone else remember the venetian blinds being opened inside the 
>courthouse on any other show?
These aren't when Andy OPENS the blinds but merely PEEKS thru them. 
Andy peeks thru the blinds when he's describing what one can do with a grown 
Andy peeks thru the blinds when he's on the phone with Ellie and explaining 
that Barney and Thelma Lou just walked off, arm in arm.
Andy peeks thru the blinds when he notices Luke in the shoes on the cow episode.
Andy peeks thru the blinds in the epilog when Barney is on the phone with 
Juanita and goes ape when Andy says Thelma Lou is approaching the courthouse 
but acutally it's Aunt Bee.
Andy and Barney peek thru the blinds when they are waiting for Opie to show up 
after getting a black eye by the bully

I need a bucket for more....
Harriet, the chicken theif
 ......"Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth"..."That's an 
old wives tale"...."Johnny Paul ain't married"........                          
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