>Something I always wondered about concerning Floyd's barbering
I notice that every single time I have seen Floyd cut hair he uses only
comb and scissors.  When I got my hair cut all the time I was growing up
the late 50's and through the 60's and maybe even beyond that time,
barber would use an electric clippers for almost all of the haircut.
girl who cuts my hair now only uses a scissors and a comb, but maybe
that is 
because I have less hair to cut.  Has anyone else ever thought about
If there are any professional barbers in our group I would like to hear
thoughts. But I do think that because of hair styles back in the days of

Mayberry electric clippers was the norm for cutting most hair.

Good question. I'll ask Helen (she's a teacher). And maybe Andy too
(he's the sheriff). This is yet another example of how Mayberry was way
ahead of its time.

Don Good
(who knows what century it is)

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