> Does everyone know that Clint Howard, the sandwich kid, Leon, was one of
> the flight controllers on Apollo 13?
It is popularly known that Ron Howard, the director, included his family 
members in his movies. 
Also, I have now officially received enough "rudes" to know very well that 
Barney stayed at the Taylor's house as evidenced by the scene quoted where he 
barricaded himself in the bedroom with his suitcases. Thank you to all that 
took the time to write me personally. I have my bucket on and will go sit in 
the corner now......those color episodes can play havoc with your steel trap 
On another personal note, there is no comparing Star Trek to TAGS no matter 
what set they worked on or from..... Star Trek was from somewhere's else and 
Mayberry is rightcheer in it, our every day life.

Harriet, the chicken thief, hiding out in Kelsey's Woods, USA

....Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for the teeth......That's an old
wives tale....Johnny Paul ain't married..... 
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