The idea of a TAGS theme park is interesting, but not sure if it would attract many people other than our current TAGS generation. There would also be a risk of over commercializing TAGS and it might take away from the true Mayberry spirit. I agree with Ken about how much things have changed with the rearing of children today as compared to TAGS. I worked as a child protection investigators for years and often remarked that what was acceptable in the days of Mayberry would not be acceptable now. Things like leaving Opie alone at home; and letting him wander on his own without knowing where he was would get Andy and Aunt Bee reported these days. And of course taking kids out to the woodshed is definitely a no no now! The show also made light of other problem's of society such as domestic violence, alcoholism and the woman's place in society. They made for funny story lines but compared to today's standards would not go over welll. Granted today's shows are worse in many respects as nothing is taboo especially when it comes to sexuality and moral values. If these shows were on when I was a kid, I would not be able to watch any of them due to their content. One could argue that the old fashioned methods of parenting that Andy Taylor used were effective and kids respected adults more. Parents are either afraid or too lazy to discipline their kids now. If a kid acts out these days they are diagnosed with something such as ADHD or Oppositional Defiance and put on medication. In a lot of case it is likely a case of lack of good old fashioned Mayberry morals and values! We need a good mix of Mayberry values, good parenting skills, common sense and good moral judgement in today's world.
May the spirit of Mayberry live on in all of us!

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