>I did not see one of my favorites


Hey Bee, You know how that bucket can slip occaionally, especially if it's been 
on someone else's head first.....just add to the list as you see fit and one 
day you too can be quoted in Barney's Book of The Month Learning Club.


And speaking of coincidences like Opie's troup number 44 and the raffle number 
44 - I've often wondered why there are so many people with the same names. In a 
small town like Mayberry you'd assume you might run into more than one Mary (as 
in the two nurses - one with a last name, one without) but the stranger names 
are what throws me off: i.e. Malcolm (Tucker and Merriweather) and Juanita 
(Beasley and Pike). Just how many Malcolms and Juanitas can there be in one 
town? There was Nate Pike (Opie's philosophy friend we never see) and Mayor 
Pike. What about the Romonas (Romona/Romeena Wiley - was she related to Mrs. 
Wiley?) and Romona (without the tears that bespeak the heartache) at the 
Reunion? There was also Ellen Brown and Dave Browne (I know - with an E), there 
was Grisby and Frisby (close but very similar), Karen (Opie's girl friend) and 
Karen (Thelma Lou's cousin), Andy's uncle Ollie and his cousin Ollie (Oliver 
Gossage). How about others?  These things are just sitting and congitating 
under my bucket. 


For those of you looking for Mayberry business names - Jim Clark's book "The 
Andy Griffith Show" has a great Phone Directory of people and businesses. Has 
anyone mentioned Jack's Bar and Grill as seen in Ernest T. joins the Army 
episode when Barney breaks the glass pane for the courthouse? A bar in a dry 
town! Wonder what causes that.


Harriet, the chicken thief, who stays in the house too much

......"Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth"..."That's an 
old wives tale"...."Johnny Paul ain't married"........

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