Over the many years of watching TAGS, I have learned many important life
lessons.  I have also learned some valuable insights from none other than
Opie Taylor.  Among some of the most important things I have learned from
Opie are:

1.       Chewing tar is good for the teeth.

2.       A penny that is struck by lightning is worth six cents.

3.       Sleeping on an ironing board between two chairs is adventure

4.       It ain’t easy eating a peanut butter sandwich without milk.

5.       Never accuse a girl of interference if she steps in front of you
and intercepts a football.

6.       Never buy your favorite teacher a pair of nylon stockings.

7.       If you ever find an abandoned baby, never go around asking people
if they would like to have a baby.

8.       The seventy five cent rule says kids get a 75 cent allowance and
they do not have to work for it.

9.       If you put a horse hair in water it will turn into a snake.

10.   People who have “lergicks” cannot breathe during much of the summer,
but somehow they get by.
Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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