Don't know of everyone saw this yesterday.  Click in the internet link
to see a short article about a serious Aphid Invasion.  I've added an

 look out for that bedroom-on-wheels, Handyman truck.  Henry Wheeler
will be coming to the rescue soon.   We've got an Aphid invasion in our
Soy Beans!!!

This is going to take more than Henry's little spray can.   Now that
Aunt Bee can Fly an airplane, Henry got her to take him up with 3-
30-gallon canisters of his favorite "Aphid-Away"

The last time Aunt bee radioed in though, it seems like Henry is too
busy watching the clouds and telling her how they are shaped like a
woman..and inspecting roofs for loose shingles, and porches that need
painting, and looking for ice-cream parlors and such to take a lady to.

Give me that Radio Micro-phone.  "Hey listen there you in the co-pilot
seat  "Uncle Henry"  Andy said if you don't start spraying those Aphids
right quick, he's going to have you in the hoosegow for impersonating a
professional, fraud, and crop dusting without a license.  Now you get
down here and start working with those spiders..I mean Aphids.

You just can't get good help around here.

Well Goober went up with them now because Henry hurt his back moving the
canisters around in the cargo bay.  But he just accidently knocked one
of them out of the play from about 2000 feet.  It landed luckily on the
Jonson farm, just missed that nice red barn, and landed in a hay
stack..where it bounced into a pig lot in a bunch of manure.  Barney is
on his way, because it was reported as a UFO landing.  (I didn't know
flying saucers carried canisters of insecticide).  

Henry has been doing so much talking and watching clouds and such that
Aunt Bee is going to have to bring the plane in to refuel.  Goober is
getting a cramp just laying in the cargo section.  This doesn't look
good,  Supposedly Henry is calling a buddy of his Joe Cartwright.
Cartwright apparently has a son-in-law who is an experience crop duster
(don't you think they'll as that).  We'll see what happens.  This will
be big news at the Count insecticide convention.

The Untrained Voice
A little buggy in Indiana
We've got a few fruit flies too.  Glad I don't work in a grocery store,
right Floyd.

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