Last night I took Martha to Wal Mart, and it got me to thinking about how much 
Wal Mart is like Mayberry.   I know in different parts of the country there are 
different sizes of Wal Mart, but right now I am talking about the Wal Mart 
Super Center that you see in bigger towns.

While I was sitting on a bench up at the front of Wal Mart waiting on Martha to 
finish the shopping, I could look out across the parking lot to see the gas 
station there.    We all know that Wally's gas station was some distance from 
the actual business section of Mayberry.    Then I took a look around inside 
the store.    There was a place serving burgers and fries inside the store (I 
won't name the McPlace), and I thought "There is the Mayberry Diner".    A 
little further over people were getting their prescriptions filled at Walker 
Drug Store.    There was even a bank inside the Wal Mart, but Mr. Meldrin 
wasn't running it.    There was a place where they cut hair, but no Floyd.    A 
beauty shop was up there, but Barney did not bust through the wall.    On one 
side of Wal Mart you can find Foley's grocery store.    In the middle Martha 
was shopping for blouses from Mrs. Lukens.      I could also see the section of 
Wal Mart where they sold some furniture, just like Weaver's.      Th
 ere was a sporting goods section like where Opie bought (and returned) his 
fishing pole when he got rich.   About the only things they had in Mayberry 
that Wal Mart does not have is a Church and movie theater.

Isn't it amazing, Sam Walton packed up Mayberry and put it all under one roof.

Orville Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man                              
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