Here is the official verification of the meaning of the Pip.

Pronunciation: (pip),


1. Vet. Pathol.a contagious disease of birds, esp. poultry, characterized by
the secretion of a thick mucus in the mouth and throat.

2. Facetious.any minor or unspecified ailment in a person.

So it appears that Aunt Bee may have been a little facetious when she said
Opie might have the pip.

By the way, a pip, is also a word for one of the dots on a domino..

Ken Anderson


Seem many years ago there was a song with the words "a real pip-er-roo"

He or she may have been called a "pip" which could have had a positive or
negative conotation

The seed of a fruit ,such as from a watermelon,peach,etc., was referred to
as a pip.

Newton,open the flu

Florida Lou

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