I hope no one mind me bringing this up on the digest, but I just had to get 
this off my chest.  I'm getting sick of these negative campaign commercials.  I 
heard this one the other day and was very disappointed to say the least:

"Andy Taylor, sheriff of the peaceful town of Mayberry--or is it?  

"Under the Taylor administration there have been 76 documented cases of 
malfeasance...jaywalking is rampant...and the only emergency equipment he has 
the patrol car trunk is a shovel and a rake!

"Now he's going after the town preacher, saying his sermons, are 'dry as 
dust!'  Who finked him out? HIS OWN SON!

"Let's face it, Andy Taylor just doesn't have Mayberry Values!"

"I'm Barney 'Fast Gun' Fife and I approved this ad!"

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