When we have a meeting, we watch a season at a time, or half a season.  It 
would be hard to name 4 or 6.
The premiere episode, "what'll she do she can't do anything?"
Opie and Trey "they call him trey cause he's the third"
Opie and The Bully "I sailed into him like a windmill in a tornado"
Opie The birdman. "Winken will tell blinken, blinken will tell nod, and nod 
will tell barney and barney will tell us"
The loaded goat (my personal all time favorite) "a loaded goat!  What'll we do?
Aunt bea and the elixer "oh girls look it's marshall dillon"
The haunted house. "They say He killed a man with an ax"
What about others ideas for programming?
Sande Riggs
At The Crossroads 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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