Got this from today's WebProNews...

You know it's time for a site redesign when...

Bob Villa wants to put you on "This Old Homepage."
Spammers refuse to send you email.
Your reflective water applet freezes over.
Your ping comes up "no way, I'm not going there."
People visit your website only to mysteriously end up missing.
Your "punch the monkey" banner links to
Your experience with Flash is limited to pool parties and Mardi Gras. Your site has to sneak up on an IP to get hosted.
Your webmaster confesses that he is color blind.
You proudly proclaim in your header: "this site compatible with Netscape 4.0."
You see your 8 yr old's school html project and you know it's better than your site.
The flames on your .gif have gone out.
Your design team is lovingly referred to as "Grumpy Old Men".

(Special thanks to WebProNews staffers Ray, John, Scott, Lafe, Brittany, Mike, and Jack.)
-------- L I F E T I M E W E B H O S T I N G ----------
1000MB of Web Space - 6000MB Monthly xfer - 100 sub-domains
50 MySQL databases - 500 FTP accounts - 500 POP3 accounts
Personal CGI-BIN Directory - Perl, PHP, CGI, Frontpage ext.
Control Panel - Shopping Cart - MUCH MORE! $249 ONETIME FEE!

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