At 12:37 PM 10/29/2004 -0400, you wrote:
I'm not sure if she's on it or not, but I'll forward the thread to her

I'm here. :)

Unfortunately, I wasn't getting the list mail, or I ~would~ have been on it. The 'member' has now been un-subscribed.

For those of you who aren't familiar with how things work, here's a brief overview. When a new member joins the list, their first post must pass through me before it goes out to the list. I can either approve or reject the post. I reject a lot of spam. :) I'm not sure what happened with this one, either I didn't get the moderate post, or I missed it. What ever the case, if I do nothing with a moderated post, it is automatically approved in five days. This one was automatically approved.

On another note, the new software is in place and seems to be working fine. :) There will be a few changes, mostly in the URLs for the web interface and your account settings. I'm trying to figure that out now and get it changed in the mail footers. In the meantime, if you need to access the web interface, you should be able to do so at and for your account, (I hope).


> PS folks - countless footers trimmed...

Joe, I'm utterly happy to here you say that :)  I've been on the verge
of sending in one of my nazi  'Trim your post" messages.  You not only
saved me from it, but you did it in a much more tactful way.

BTW, Mr. Smile Poet.  You've got my vote for most improved WooDViLler
of the year!


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