Hello group-
A conversation on a graphic design list I belong to was discussing the
connection between designers and musicians and requested links to member's
band web sites. I belong to a group of singers and it occurred to me that my
little group has no web site! What an oversight! The web site would be a
great place for me to try an all CSS layout. The stumbling block is the
cost-- this singing group plays for senior centers and rest homes. We only
have a few paying gigs and use that money for props/music/etc. I have my own
web site but that is for my marketing business and the URL would be very
cumbersome if I were to tack on a page or two for the singers. Anyone have a
good idea of how to get a site hosted for very little? We wouldn't need
much - a few pages to list our repertoire, singer bios, how to contact us,
history of the group, some photos. I would like us to have our own domain
name -- that cost would not be an issue. I know there are hosting services
that charge only $5 per month but I understand some are fronts for spam
outfits and other unsavory characters. Anyone got an idea of how I can get a
small site going for as little as possible?


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