Howdy Folks, 
Seems like someone addressed this topic recently, but I can't find the

We have a form page which submits variables to FormMail.pl for routing to
the page owner.

What we want is to also send a customized reply ('Thankyou') email back to
the user. My thought was to add a PHP email script which is triggered
if(isset($Email)) where $Email is the user's email address input to the

The logic of the process is escaping me. 
I can get it to pass variables, but not send mail. 
I can get it to send mail, but not pass variables. UUGH! 

I have the form action set to $PHP_SELF to resubmit the form to itself.
The reasoning is so that $Email becomes set, and it will trigger the PHP
Email script. However, I can't seem to get the form variables to then
submit to FormMail.pl

I remember something about a solution involving javascript and using: 

to trigger the form submission, but then, what triggers the javascript

Thank you for any assistance/suggestions! 



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