I have been coding valid web pages for around a year now and typically display links 
(or the wonderful w3c graphics ;) to the validator on my personal sites, but am 
hesitant to do so on business sites.  Currently, I am working on a site that has valid 
xhtml strict and valid css and I would like to display a link to the validator (there 
is a certain amount of back-patting going on here, as this is the first table-less 
commercial site I have done with full aural features and WAI compliance) but I am not 
sure if this is appropriate.  

  So... What I was wondering was if any of you had done this.  If you have, how did 
the client feel about it?  Did you pitch it to them, or just put it up there and let 
them ask questions later?  Or did they see the intrinsic merit in this?

Responses from any and all are appreciated.

Stephen Caudill 

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