ANNOUNCING twill v0.8.

twill is a simple language for testing Web applications.  It's designed
for automated testing of Web sites, but it can be used to interact with
Web sites in a variety of ways.

twill has an interactive shell, 'twill-sh', and can also run scripts.

twill is a reimplementation of Cory Dodt's PBP.  It is built on top
of Python and John J. Lee's mechanize.

A twill script looks like this:

   # go to the /. login page

   # fill in the form
   fv 1 unickname test
   fv 1 upasswd test

   # ok, there's no such account ;). show error HTML.


This is the sixth public release of twill, version 0.8.

(Tagline: "85% unit tested.")

You can install twill with easy_install via PyPi, or download
the latest .tar.gz at:

Documentation is included in the .tar.gz and is also online at


Miscellaneous details:

twill is implemented in Python and uses pyparsing and mechanize.  In
addition to the existing simple command language, twill can easily be
extended with Python.  twill also provides a fairly simple and
well-documented wrapper around mechanize.

twill scripts can be recorded with maxq, although scripts may require
some hand tweaking at the moment.  See the twill documentation for
more information.

twill does not understand JavaScript, I'm sorry to say.


New features:

  * test WSGI Python applications in-process;

  * Updated to latest versions of mechanize, ClientCookie, ClientForm, and

  * Significant increase in number of unit tests & their code coverage;

  * Automatic 'tidy' preprocessing when available;

  * easy_install/eggs now supported;

  * http-equiv redirect now works;

  * new commands:

    - 'formaction' changes form URLs;
    - 'tidy_ok' checks for 'tidy' correctness;
    - 'showhistory' command;

Special thanks to sureshvv and Simon Buenzli...

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