Hey friends,

I am new to python and i love coding in python (basics). I want to become a 
good coder in python and report bugs and help others. How should i go about 
doing that ? Please help as i am a beginner.

On Saturday, 5 December 2009 01:45:50 UTC+5:30, mdipierro wrote:
> I have thought for a while on whether we needed rules of conduct about 
> this mailing list. So far I thought we did not and it has worked out 
> pretty well. Nevertheless, I should clarify what I think this list has 
> done for us, and what to do to continue work. 
> 1) This is the place where some people ask questions 
> 2) This is the place where some people provide the answers 
> 3) This is the place where some people suggest and discuss new 
> features 
> 4) This is the place where potential bugs are preliminary reported in 
> order to be confirmed. 
> Everything else is noise. It will not be banned but should be 
> minimized. 
> We have been lucky that almost all bugs reported were in trunk version 
> and related to new features. In fact we add more new features per week 
> than we have  bug reports. 
> So please: 
> - Do not assume you know more than others. 
> - Try keep your messages short and to the point 
> - Do not repeat your point or complain because you do not like the 
> answer 
> - Do not respond to your own posts unless you found yourself the 
> answer to your problem 
> - Do not tell others what they should be do or not do. 
> - If you have personal complaints send them directly to the person in 
> question (including me). Do not make personal complains in public. 
> - You want something done? Ask on the list. If it is recognized to be 
> important somebody will eventually do it (perhaps me, perhaps somebody 
> else). 
> - If you think you are a contributor, ask yourself. What are the areas 
> I am responsible for? What have delivered so far? What am I going to 
> do to deliver in those areas?Did I remember to email Massimo a signed 
> copy of the contributor agreement? 
> - Be aware that there are a lot of new users here and your comments 
> may be interpreted in different ways by people with different degrees 
> of web2py experience. Try be responsible and think how your comments 
> may be interpreted by new users. 
> - No question is a stupid question. No answer is detailed enough. 
> I spent quite some time writing this email while I could have spent 
> the time applying one of the few remaining patches. 
> And no. This this is not about anyone in particular. Just general 
> random thoughts. 
> Massimo 


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