Hi everybody,

I´m developing my first web2py application with form.custom.widgets and I 
want to change at once all validations message of my form to the pt-br.py 
definitions (translations).

What I know:
1)  I can define my validation messages in db,py, (I don´t want do it)
2)  I have languages/pt-br.py with the translations of all validation 
messages that I want to use
3) I have the file application/admin/layout.html with an example of 
language switch wich I copied and tried to reproduce without success

After several tries I always have back the default english messages, ex. value 
already in database or empty

So, how I make the pt-br.py portuguese messages as default?

Bellow follows the code:

controller: default.py

from gluon.admin import *
from gluon.fileutils import abspath, read_file, write_file
from glob import glob
from gluon.tools import Crud

import shutil
import platform

crud = Crud(db)

def cadastro_pf():
    form = crud.update(table,request.args(0))
    table.id.represent = lambda id, row: \
    search, rows = crud.search(table)
    return dict(form=form,search=search,rows=rows)

view: cadastro_pf.html

{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" 
        <meta http-equiv="P3P" content="CP=\"IDC DSP COR CURa ADMa OUR IND 
        <title>{{=response.title or URL()}}</title>
        {{include 'web2py_ajax.html'}}
   <body class="{{=T('direction: ltr') == 'direction: rtl' and 'RTLbody' or 
''}} {{block sectionclass}}home{{end}}">
<div id="dados_pessoais">
<div  style="background-color:#CCEEEE"><h6><font color=blue>SEUS 
nome*: <br>{{=form.custom.widget.nome}}</br>
sobrenome*: <br>{{=form.custom.widget.sobrenome}}</br>
email*: <br>{{=form.custom.widget.email}}</br>
senha*: <br>{{=form.custom.widget.senha}}</br>
sexo*: <br>{{=form.custom.widget.sexo}}
<p></p>{{=INPUT(_type="submit", _name="submit", _value="Continua")}}
        <div id="footer" class="fixed">
            {{=T('Powered by')}} {{=A('web2py', 
_href='http://www.web2py.com')}}&trade; {{=T('created by')}} Massimo Di 
Pierro &copy;2007-2011 -
    {{if hasattr(T,'get_possible_languages'):}}
      {{=T('Admin language')}}
      <select name="adminlanguage" onchange="var date = new 
expires='+cookieDate+'; path=/';window.location.reload()">
{{for language in T.get_possible_languages():}}
<option {{=T.accepted_language==language and 'selected' or ''}} 

<div   style="background-color:#CCEEEE;">&nbsp;</div>
<p></p>{{=INPUT(_type="submit", _name="submit", _value="Continua")}}
        <div id="footer" class="fixed">
            {{=T('Powered by')}} {{=A('web2py', 
_href='http://www.web2py.com')}}&trade; {{=T('created by')}} Massimo Di 
Pierro &copy;2007-2011 -
    {{if hasattr(T,'get_possible_languages'):}}
      {{=T('Admin language')}}
      <select name="adminlanguage" onchange="var date = new 
expires='+cookieDate+'; path=/';window.location.reload()">
{{for language in T.get_possible_languages():}}
<option {{=T.accepted_language==language and 'selected' or ''}} 

<font color="blue">_________________________________________</font>
<font color="green">_________________________________________</font>
<font color="red">_________________________________________</font>


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