Hello everybody,

this is my first post in the group. THANKS for this great web

I want to include tests in my project. Searching I found web2py_utils
(web2py_utils-0.0.13dev) and test_runner as the best tool for web2py
and unit test.

Running the tests I have this error:

File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/web2py_utils-0.0.13dev-
py2.4.egg/web2py_utils/test_runner.py", line 193
    test_db.define_table(tablename, *table_copy, migrate=True)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I have replaced the line with:
 test_db.define_table(tablename, migrate=True, *table_copy)

Is web2py_utils a good tool for testing web2py applications? Is
someone resposible for utils project to update the code?


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