I'm taking over a web2py project for a customer. I looked for the common 
way to deploy to production, read the guide of the web2py site and googled 
for solutions. They don't apply very well to my case so I'm looking for 
advice to start in the right way.

The production server runs on a VPS. Apparently there is no deployment 
procedure. There are many files in production with a suffixed timestamp, 
like file.py, file.py.22may, file.py,29may. Everything hints to a fully 
manual deployment procedure. The application/<app> directory is full of 
files generated by the application to be downloaded by its users. Some are 
in well defined directories, some are scattered all around as is the result 
of manual test runs. You got the idea.

Being new to the application I don't want to change anything until I get 
familiar with it because I don't want to break the service, which works 
despite the mess on the server. Still, I have to fix some pages and deploy 
them to production. I copied everything locally and created a Vagrant 
machine which seems to be a faithful copy of the server.

I have no experience with web2py and the deployment of Python web 
applications. I have a very good experience of working with Rails and some 
with Node.

I created a git repository from the sources copied from the server, so an 
idea would be to git pull from the applications/app directory on the 
server. This probably works and I did that in the past, but it's sub 
optimal. What I'm used to do is using tools like capistrano or mina. 
Basically they take note of the last commit installed on the server and scp 
the updates from development to the server. No git keys on the server. They 
also keep old versions of the application in other directories and symlink 
current to the last one. I found a Python tool called fabistrano that 
probably does the same https://github.com/dlapiduz/fabistrano However I 
don't think it fits well into the web2py paradigm of having apps into the 
applications directory. It would create directories with other names so it 
probably needs customization. Furthermore I need to make those other files 
survive the deployment process.

Another idea would be to rsync the development environment to the 
applications/app directory. However with all the cruft I still have in 
development and all the files on production I'm not confident not to break 

Is there some deployment tool especially made for web2py that could help me 
until I clean up this project? If not, I'll git pull.



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- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
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