Any individuals opinion is subjective, eh?! Like I wrote in past - itś
great to read them all! :-)

Dunsun - you ask a good quick question... and most, if not all, the
web app development community shares your GUI development pain! :D

But, achipa makes an informed and logical rebuttal to the idea of
integrating Appcelerator with web2py.

Itś not so much a matter of respecting achipas experience with a wide
range of frameworks, but more importantly, the argument against
Appcelerator is quite objective - being based on common criteria that
we all understand, and probably partly influenced our choice or using

To sum, Appcelerator looks to be a dated approach that web2py should
stay away from.

Having similar experience with PHP as achipa, and nearly wasted time
on Dojo instead of JQuery - my team has learned that picking the right
frameworks - to save time in the future - takes a good bit of upfront
research and testing time. A quick decision can be very costly within
3 months of dev. And not all businesses or individuals have 3 months
(or less/more) to waste.

Perhaps there will be an alternative to Appcelerator in the future
that will be more open, standards oriented, and a better fit with

Perhaps this will be T3?? :-)

For now, I dont know of a framework with a more Pythonic templating
system than web2py, and my team has found it very easy to integrate
presentational frameworks (YUI and Jquery) in our web2py apps.

Im keen to read what other presentational frameworks others are using
with web2py.

Dunsun, achipa, - all here - have you found any good alternatives?

And thanks for the opinions - they all have good merits - and often
help my team make better decisions.


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