I don't like that idea.  It increases restart time (not significantly until we get more tests) in a situation where it wouldn't make a difference the vast majority of the time.

Some of your DAL tests depend on the existence of the admin app which may not be there and will cause problems for end-users who delete it.  These unittests should be for developers more than end-users.

If you want to integrate it, make it a command-line switch that defaults to not running.

that's my 2c


mdipierro wrote:
Perhaps all tests should run automatically every time web2py starts.
What do people think about it?


On Dec 3, 9:53 am, Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The branch (dal-testing-additions) is committed and I've proposed a merge into devel.
mdipierro wrote:ok, thanks. On Dec 3, 9:21 am, Timothy Farrell<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:I do it like this: import sys import os sys.path.append(os.path.realpath('../')) import unittest import datetime import sql and then run it from the tests directory.  Just leave it for now and I'll include it in my change branch. -tim mdipierro wrote:I was going to ask you the same question. I open a python shell and import the tests. Massimo On Dec 3, 8:25 am, Timothy Farrell<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Massimo, When you run unittests, which directory do you run them from.  I typically run mine from the test directory, but i have a built-in path mechanism to be able to find the necessary modules.  With your new test_dal.py, I cannot get it to run properly without modifying the PYTHONPATH.  How do you do it? Thanks,  - tim Timothy Farrell wro
te:Oh snap! I've gotta go make a launchpad branch and merge my changes in.  I have already started something for this but fortunately our efforts don't overlap much. -tim mdipierro wrote:gluon/tests/test_dal.py the test does not yet include migrations, max, min, sum operators, csv IO and select of all possible types. It does test queries well. Feel free to add more a nd repost it.-- Timothy Farrell<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Computer Guy Statewide General Insurance Agency (www.swgen.com)-- Timothy Farrell<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Computer Guy Statewide General Insurance Agency (www.swgen.com)-- Timothy Farrell<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Com
puter Guy Statewide General Insurance Agency (www.swgen.com)-- Timothy Farrell<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Computer Guy Statewide General Insurance Agency (www.swgen.com)


Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computer Guy
Statewide General Insurance Agency (www.swgen.com)

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