numthreads - this is the size of the threadpool used to answer the incoming connections, loosely speaking this is the number of active connections web2py will handle at a time.  The limit is the operating system limit for threads to the best of my knowledge.
request_queue_size - mostly correct, it is the max number of waiting requests before requests are bounced, a request is set to waiting if all the threads in the pool are currently busy.
timeout is how long the server will allow a request to process before killing it
shutdown_timeout is same as timeout except when in the process of shutting down the server.


Cristian Re wrote:
Can you help me for understand some options in the file

numthreads  -> is the max number of contemporary connections? If yes there is a limit?
request_queue_size -> I think it's the max number of queued requests if a request doesn't respond immediatly. It's correct?
timeout -> ?
shutdown_timeout -> ? (shutdown the service when there isn't activity for more than xxx seconds/milliseconds?)

2008/12/9 Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
That's cool.  Hope you enjoy web2py.


Cristian Re wrote:
sorry sorry sorry,

I checked event viewer some minutes ago and I was writing you that was my fault.

I continued to write a wrong name of the file options

Thanks a lot!

2008/12/9 Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OK, so it's not the port thing.  Have you checked Event viewer?  Start -> Control Panel ->Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer

web2py events show up under the application log.  This won't be of much help, but we should be able to see if it's stopping or crashing.

Just a quick thought, are you sure nothing else is running on port 8000?

After the event viewer, let's head over to services and take a look at the web2py service.  My path to execution is:

"C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\win32\PythonService.exe" options

My service runs under the administrator account, but running it under the Local System account (the default) should be fine.


Cristian Re wrote:
I want to start it on port "8000".
In the option file the number of port is 8000 and the name of file parameters is "".

It doesn't start but there isn't any error message (or I don't know where I can find it)

2008/12/9 Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Is the port specified in port 80 or 8000?  If it's 80, you'll need to rename to


Cristian Re wrote:
Yes, starting it with a cmd prompt it work fine.

In my directory there are the two files.
The was created when I started (I think it contains the md5 password for administrator)
The was created by me renaming

because I want to test it, I don't chang anything in the file. Now is ok if it work fine on port 8000 in localhost


2008/12/9 Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
First start it normally (in widget form) to see if there are any errors.

If that works just fine, check your file and parameters_<correct port number here>.py

Are they:
 - there (do they exist)?
 - valid python?

Check those and comeback if it isn't one of those issues.


misterc wrote:
I downloaded the source version of the framework.
I read this document:

and I tried to start as a service web2py on my Windows XP sp3.
I was able to install web2py as a service (with -W install)
but I don't understand why I can not start it.

The output was:

default applications appear to be installed already
web2py Enterprise Web Framework
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2008
Version 1.53.5 (2008-12-08 16:55:03)
Database drivers available: SQLite3
Installing service web2py
Changing service configuration
Service updated
Starting service web2py
But if I watch the services web2py didn't started and if I try to open
a web page it doesn't works.



Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computer Guy
Statewide General Insurance Agency (

Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computer Guy
Statewide General Insurance Agency (

Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computer Guy
Statewide General Insurance Agency (

Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computer Guy
Statewide General Insurance Agency (

Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computer Guy
Statewide General Insurance Agency (

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