Something like this for 2?:

At the bottom of admin/controllers/ edit function:

    if filetype=='python' and request.args>=3:
    return dict(app=request.args

Then in admin/views/default/edit.html:

{{if functions:}}
<div style="text-align:left;">exposes
{{=XML(', '.join([A(f,_href=URL(a=app,c=controller,f=f)).xml() for f
in functions]))}}
{{if controller and not functions:}} #CHANGED since we are
multipurposing controller variable now
<div style="text-align:right;">[<a href="{{=controller}}">edit

On Dec 28, 11:24 am, "mr.freeze" <> wrote:
> On 2,  I think you could contain it on a single line for most cases
> and reuse the code that creates the links after the word 'exposes' in
> the admin/design view:
> [ test | edit | delete ] exposes index, insert, download,
> csv, select, update, state
> On Dec 28, 8:37 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > 1) the ticket page is generated by the restrictederror class in gluon/
> >
> > If you send me a patch I will include it.
> > 2) let me think about this. I am afraid it may make the interface to
> > cluttered.
> > What do people think?
> > Massimo
> > On Dec 28, 6:56 am, ondrejs <> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > I've started developing some examples in web2py using admin interface
> > > + Ulipad combination.
> > > The following shortcuts would save a few clicks:
> > > - in the ticket view, where a stacktrace with files is shown, the
> > > names of files that belong to the application could be hyperlinks
> > > - the page for design of a controller has a save button, but perhaps
> > > it could have direct links to try out various functions in the
> > > controller (with arguments?),
> > > Thanks,
> > > --Ondrej
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