works with the following in controller:
def edit():
                try: thispage=db([0]).select()
                except: redirect(URL(r=request,f='index'))
                form=FORM(DIV(TEXTAREA(_style="width: 98%;",
                if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
                        response.flash="form accepted!"
                        response.flash="form is invalid!"
                return dict(form=form,page=thispage)

BUT I'm having trouble as the Nicedit representation does not show on
refresh, I can show it on
a non nicedit view using {{=XML(page.body,sanitize=True)}} in HTML
not sure what to add in above controller to allow the same

Also the response.flash="form is invalid!" code runs when I load the
above edit view, that must mean it is submitting form on page load,
which I do not want!

I would like to add that I would be keen to offer my services to
Document this little journey of discovery for others :)

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