Forgot to mention, I used for the inital email
address and foto for the password.

(the email is fake)

or you can just register and add your own of course.


On Feb 27, 1:58 pm, Wes James <> wrote:
> T3 Foto Galleria
> Photo Gallery built on T3 (plus some mods)
> 1. When a failed login occurs you get the username back with the
> password field active
> 2. itemize modified to display 4x3 grid of images - includes new
> navigation and search based on image title
> 3. upload modified to use PIL to create a thumbnail.  Thumbnail is on
> main view page, original can be downloaded
> 4. password reset sends an email with a link back to the web server
> where you type in a new password and submit to reset it.
> 5. changed some styles and added some settings (in wiki styles and settings)
> requirements:
>   web2py
>   PIL (for thumbnail creation)
> enjoy
> -wj
>  t3fg.tbz2
> 620KViewDownload
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