One feature I do not see is the generation of stubs for new pages and
the automatic links to existing pages.  This is kind of an important
aspect of a wiki -- the extensive cross-linking of ideas and content.

Yarko -- the advantage of a wiki is that _anyone_ may contribute to
it.  Yes, it lacks some consistency, but it draws in more authors and
you get more content.  It also is a barometer that shows where users
want more content.  It must be allowed to grow somewhat haphazardly
because we cannot predict in advance what users want to know.  Think
of it as the "raw feedstock" for the more structured, more formal
Sphinx documentation.

-- Joe B.

On Feb 27, 8:56 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> Pedro,
> the current web2py wiki has
> -a page tree
> -a public link to revision history and diffs (*)
> -recent changes page and rss will be added soon.
> (*) is not quite public. requires login and membership in the
> developer. Almost anybody who asks will get it.
> Massimo
> On Feb 27, 9:59 pm, Pedro <> wrote:
> > I'll have to apologize, I didn't realize this discussion had 3 pages
> > and therefore missed the last two.
> > Looks like we're going with a homegrown wiki. Not necessarly my first
> > choice, but cool indeed.
> > Here's a couple of things I use regularly in other wikis that I kind
> > of miss in web2py wiki:
> > -a page tree
> > -recent changes page and rss feed
> > -a public link to revision history and diffs
> > On Feb 28, 3:47 am, Pedro <> wrote:
> > > Nice to see some enthusiasm and attitude towards solid documentation.
> > > I was one of those around when the current wiki was put up. The fact
> > > that it was a bit buggy did interfere with its function. Also the fact
> > > that it has a different look and feel from what most users are used
> > > to, and some lack of links in the website and other strategic places
> > > might have also contributed to the current situation.
> > > I submitted two pages or so, and I found myself in a situation where I
> > > had to go and check in the book whatever I wanted to write in there.
> > > This gave me a weird feeling of pointlessness.
> > > Personally, from a visitor point of view I love trac. It gives a very
> > > good picture of how the source is evolving. It comes with a wiki
> > > engine that I believe has most of the standard capabilities of others.
> > > If the main trunk is going to a public access SVN repository then trac
> > > can be the most logical choice.
> > > On the other hand if the wiki is the only thing on trac to be used by
> > > web2py project, then I think we'd be better of with whatever is
> > > easiest to setup/maintain. Anything would to it, there's even hosted
> > > wiki solutions if nobody is interested in maintain a wiki wiki
> > > installation.
> > > Now there's a couple of things that still worry me. Like, I red the
> > > book and that's about all the knowledge I have on web2py. I don't feel
> > > capable of writing good docs on web2py apart from what can be red in
> > > the book. But that's just me, I've only used web2py in personal
> > > projects, more for the fun of it than any other reason. Is there many
> > > people out there using web2py at a production level?
> > > I vote for a manual. I've seen huge projects that totally fail in
> > > document themselves due to going other ways than having an official
> > > manual (rails or joomla, for example).
> > > I like the kind of layout used in the book, with the topics loosely
> > > connected to each others. Not a huge novel-like tutorial, nor a simple
> > > API reference.
> > > I don't know if anybody in here is familiar with codeigniter, but
> > > here's an example of a very good online 
> > > manual:
> > > and here's the community version docs of a fork
> > > the latest is a wiki. You'll notice both have a style very similar to
> > > massimo's book.
> > > Ok, this turned out to be a long email...
> > > I volunteer to help in small stupid-simple docs, which is all I'll be
> > > able to do for a while.
> > > On Feb 25, 4:00 pm, Fran <> wrote:
> > > > On Feb 25, 2:51 pm, Paul Eden <> wrote:
> > > > > - Doesn't Django use Trac?
> > > > Yes:
> > > > > using the framework shows a lot of confidence in it
> > > > If the Wiki could have versioning added, that would take away the
> > > > major constraint to it.
> > > > Not sure how hard that is...
> > > > F
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