hi all. i'm trying to get web2py to work through the google app engine
on a mac, and i'm having some difficulty.

see this thread for details:

the instructions for the google app engine for a pc are pretty simple
-- unpack gae and web2py, and drop the web2py folder into the gae
folder and go.

however, on a mac, the web2py app does not put the applications in a
separate folder (like the documents or sites folders) -- it creates an
application bundle (web2py.app) and stores the files inside there. so
for example, if you have an app named "myapp," it lives at:

this is not a folder you can access in the gui (so far as i know),
just through the terminal. so i can't drop the folder into the gae app
x.html) because it's not a real folder.

has anyone successfully done this? if so, could you post directions?

and also, for what it's worth, i'll +1 konrad's suggestion to take
user data out of the app bundle -- on a mac, you upgrade an app by
dragging the new one over the old one. in the current state, that
would erase all the data you had.


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