No way, url rewrite doesn't solve it. Maybe it's my ignorance, but it
seems that the lighttpd fastcgi system override it, or maybe only for
web2py as we involke the fastcgihandler as a 404-error handler.
If someone has tips to share, he's very welcome! :)


On 20 Mag, 19:30, giohappy <> wrote:
> Thanks Mark.
> I've digged the problem with a rudimental debug, and I can see from
> the response headers that it's an "invalid application" error, as
> web2py looks for /var/www/lighttpd/web2py/applications/w2p, while the
> last key should be stripped.
> Lighttpd comes with a strip-request-uri, but it seems a bit buggy. In
> my case it completely strips the request uri, and gives strange
> characters as output, so I recieve obviously an "invalid path" error
> from web2py.
> I'll try with rewrite urls, but I thought it coud cause problems to
> the internal rewrite rules of web2py... but your experience is
> different. I'll go for it, and let you know.
> giovanni
> PS: web2py developers, could we find a solution for this? Maybe a
> configuration option? I know web2py is zero-configuration... but this
> could worth a one-line file! :)
> On 20 Mag, 19:08, Mark Larsen <> wrote:
> > > but that configuration doesn't fit my needs.
> > > I've tried setting the following config, but it always results with an
> > > "Invalid request". I suppose it's due to the uri parsing, but I can't
> > > solve it as I'm quite new to Lighttpd.
> > > Any ideas?
> > Giovanni,
> > I had the same problem with web2py, apache2 and mod_wsgi.  Unless I'm
> > missing something huge, much of web2py (the URL function for example)
> > is wired to have your handler at the root of the webserver.  I'm still
> > surprised more web2pyers haven't come up against this limitation.
> > Regardless, I fixed it with apache's mod_rewrite.  I believe lighttpd
> > has similar functionality (I'm not a lighty user).  Perhaps something
> > like -->
> > url.rewrite = (
> > “^/appName(.*)$” => “/subFolder/appName$1”
> > )
> > This would redirect the URLs web2py is spitting out to the proper lighttpd 
> > path.
> > I also wrote about in the Wiki here
> > (
> > but it looks like that is eating my mark-up (A bug in the wiki?).
> > Mark
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