Thanks, Massimo

2009/6/4 mdipierro <>:
> <li>{{=T('Users can access the store')}} <a
> href="{{=request.application}}">{{=T('here')}}</a></li>

OK. It works :)

I hoped T() could include the whole line because word orders are
different (often reversed) in Japanese.
For example, verb in Japanese usually comes at the end, and  the
translation of the above line in HTML should look like
ユーザは、<a... >ここ</a>でストアにアクセスできます。

But, I'll manage somehow...

> you still need to go to admin and edit the translation in the language
> requested by the browser.

Yes, in fact, I'm about to finish a draft of Japanese translation of
I will be happy to share the results if anyone is interested.

> Massimo


> On Jun 3, 7:14 pm, suiato <> wrote:
>> This may be a newbie question, but will someone tell me what'd be the
>> proper way of putting T() to the line below?
>> <li>Users can access the store <a
>> href="{{=request.application}}">here</a></li>
>> It's in manage/setup.html of the eStore appliance.
>> I've tried like
>> <li>{{=T('Users can access the store <a href="/%(req)s">here</a>', dict
>> (req=request.application))}}</li>
>> but shown in browser is (when the translation is the same as the
>> original)
>> Users can access the store <a href="/estore">here</a>
>> Thanks,
>> Teru

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