i load the version: Current Version 1.63.5 (2009-06-03 23:35:00) for

and i use the auth-object. on my index page i`ve a form to login,
register a user.
when the login is correct i receive the follow link:

but i will receive: http://localhost:8000/2busy/menu/index

in the version 1.62 i have no problems, only in the current version


On 9 Jun., 17:47, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Can you explain better? Is this is a prblem with the stable or the
> tunk version?
> On Jun 9, 10:17 am, pk <peter.kirch...@youngdesigners.de> wrote:
> > Hi Massimo,
> > I´ve problems when i login in the new version, i get the default page
> > of web2py not my requested page. In 1.62 i haven`t got this problem.
> > Here my code:
> > @auth.requires_login()
> > def index():
> >     redirect(URL(r=request,c='menu',f='index'))
> > ## ######################################### ##
> > ## Authentifizierungsfunktionen werden aufge-
> > ## rufen und in der user/....html, falls angefor-
> > ## dert, dargestellt
> > ## ######################################### ##
> > def user():
> >     return dict(form=auth())
> > I don`t understand this problem. I hope you can help me that i can
> > work with the new version.
> > thanks
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