Massimo, thanks it solved. Actually what is 'migrate' parameter
purpose in define_tables function?


On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 8:49 PM, mdipierro<> wrote:
> Haha!
>> Then using phpmyadmin I create user, and create database happo.
> but you did not set
> auth.define_tables(migrate=False)
> So I am not sure what happened. You tests may have messed up various
> things.
> What to do?
> 1) delete database happo
> 2) delete everything in databases/ folder
> 3) recreate happo and give the use permission to create/alter tables
> 4) use auth.define_table(migrate="happo")
> 5) start you app again
> On Jul 3, 2:45 am, Mico Siahaan <> wrote:
>> Hi Yarko,
>> I will try as details as I could :).
>> 1. This is my first try with web2py, basically I just want to make
>> sample app. It will be a website that member can login and update his
>> status so other member can know the update
>> 2. For development, I am using win vista business and xampp for
>> windows (it has apache and mysql)
>> 3. So from xampp control panel I start mysql
>> 4. Then using phpmyadmin I create user, and create database happo.
>> Give permission for that user to create and modify all tables in happo
>> database
>> 5. Then I start web2py
>> 6. Create new application
>> 7. Edit I uncommented lines of auth settings.
>> 8. After that I access index method of controller.
>> 9. Got error tickets
>>  File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\", line 166, in 
>> execute
>>    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
>>  File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\", line
>> 35, in defaulterrorhandler
>>    raise errorclass, errorvalue
>> ProgrammingError: (1146, "Table 'happo.auth_user' doesn't exist")
>> while my (full, as requested by massimo)
>> if request.env.web2py_runtime_gae: # if running on Google App Engine
>>    from gluon.contrib.gql import *
>>    ### connect to Google BigTable
>>    db = GQLDB()
>>    ## and store sessions and tickets there
>>    session.connect(request, response, db=db)
>>    ### or use the following lines to store sessions in Memcache
>>    # from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB
>>    # from google.appengine.api.memcache import Client
>>    # session.connect(request, response, db=MEMDB(Client()))
>> else: # else use a normal relational database
>>    # if not, use SQLite or other DB
>>    #db = SQLDB('sqlite://storage.sqlite')
>>    db = SQLDB('mysql://my_user:my_pas...@localhost/happo', pool_size=0)
>> from import *
>> auth=Auth(globals(),db)            # authentication/authorization
>> auth.define_tables()               # creates all needed tables
>> crud=Crud(globals(),db)            # for CRUD helpers using auth
>> service=Service(globals())         # for json, xml, jsonrpc, xmlrpc, amfrpc
>> ## uncomment as necessary or consult docs for more options
>> crud.settings.auth=auth           # (optional) enforces authorization on crud
>> mail=Mail()                                  # mailer
>> mail.settings.server=''    # your SMTP server
>> mail.settings.sender=''         # your email
>> mail.settings.login='mico.siahaan:gmaipass'      # your credentials
>> auth.settings.mailer=mail         # for user email verification
>> auth.settings.registration_requires_verification = False
>> auth.settings.registration_requires_approval = True
>> auth.messages.verify_email = \
>>  'Click on the 
>> linkhttp://
>> verify your email'
>> so basically I have not done much :)
>> --

Mico Siahaan

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