"Just ask for access to the developers group."

Massimo has said though that only people who have actually contributed
code to Web2Py and not people that are merely planning to may join.

As for doc-oriented vs column oriented, they are more similar than
they are different. Column oriented databases still have a relation-
like query system while CouchDB has moved to a map/reduce paradigm
which can allow for complex queries. MongoDB attempts to include some
of the more traditional relational queries in JSON format with a plan
for fully paralllel map/reduce in the future (they have single server
map/reduce atm).

The other distinction is that document based databases do not have a
schema so you can add and remove attributes at any time like a Python

Performance benchmarks have not really been done between column vs
document databases. However, MongoDB benchmarks have shown it to be
comparable or faster to MySQL. CouchDB is not a performer because it
uses the heavy HTTP protocol to communicate. However the main feature
of these databases is not performance, but scalability.

The most important characteristic compared to a relational DB, complex
transactions and joins are unavailable due to the distributed nature.
This of course is unavoidable unless you have a global semaphore,
which then becomes equivalent to a single relational database with
multiple slaves. In fact, this is the same problem you get when you
start partitioning relational databases. There is no way around it
when you need to scale.

On Jul 21, 12:51 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 2:38 PM, Bottiger <bottig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > "This discussion should probably be moved to the web2py developers
> > group:"
> > I don't have access to the web2py developers group. But maybe that is
> > the point. See why I don't like the separation?
> Just ask for access to the developers group.
> > I am no novice to open source. I know that not every patch will be
> > accepted, but every project has varying levels of acceptance. Adding
> > document-database support to the DAL is not a small change, and I
> > would not interested in sinking the required large amount of time into
> > unless it would be accepted.This is why I first contacted Massimo.
> > Recently, I had been researching distributed databases for quite some
> > time. While I am not a relational algebra expert, I believe that
> > document based databases such as Amazon SimpleDB/MongoDB/CouchDB can
> > be reasonably translated to and from a relational model. In fact, the
> > document based model is closer to an object oriented design since it
> > is schema free.
> Yes, I am just now playing w/ mongo (thanks to your post! ;-)
> Since you've been researching this quite some time, could you give a really
> short (1 or 2 paragraph) summary comparing doc-oriented vs. column oriented,
> and any intersting implicatinos, performance, unknowns?
> Thanks!
> - Yarko
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