Johnathan -

This is easy to read, nicely commented - thanks!

I'll run  / test / think about it, perhaps comment more later.

- Yarko

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Jonathan Lundell <> wrote:

> Proposed patch:
> I've deviated from the RFCs in a couple of places. I'm not allowing
> quoted strings for names (neither did the old regex), partly because
> I'm not entirely convinced that they're safe, and partly because the
> doctest mechanism is problematical in testing certain escaped patterns
> that are legal in quoted strings. A possible compromise would be to
> allow quotes and be more restrictive about what's allowed in them, if
> anyone feels strongly about it.
> Domain checking is similar to what we had before, except that single-
> letter domains ( are allowed, and I've relaxed the TLD length
> restraint from {2,9} to {2,}. As before, we allow embedded
> underscores, which are not formally legal, but have been used by
> Windows.
> The philosophy is that we can't protect the user against all typos,
> and we'd prefer to err on the side of permissiveness where it makes
> sense, while adhering to the spirit of the RFCs and taking note of
> general practice.
> If anyone sees any problems, please submit them in the form of
> additional doctests (and an optional patch) and I'll deal with them.
> I believe that any address that validated before will continue to
> validate now.
> >

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