Thanks, Yarko and Massimo

Yes, translation of messages in auth without T() worked :-)
I inserted
auth.messages.label_first_name = 'Given name'
into models/
and, after hitting 'update all languages',
found an item 'Given name' in a language file for translation.

It's good to know how it works, thanx.

Now, as for ordering of first name and last name, gluon/ has a
couple of
   table.user_id.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '' %
                    '%(id)s: %(first_name)s %(last_name)s')
As I mentioned before, in Japanese, family name comes first. So,  I
may write
auth.messages.label_first_name = 'Family name'
auth.messages.label_last_name = 'Given name'
This is going to be confusing as a database.

Alternatively, I wonder if the requires statement above can be
modified like
  self.messages.format_auth_dropdown_names = '%(id)s: %(first_name)s %

  table.user_id.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '' %
so that the string '%(id)s: %(first_name)s %(last_name)s' shows up in
a language file to be translated. Then, I could translate it as '%(id)
s: %(last_name)s %(first_name)s' for Japanese.

I'll appreciate comments.


On 8月9日, 午前10:23, Yarko Tymciurak <> wrote:
> Ok - I see this is NOT an accurate assessment (but it is a little obtuse for
> looking at code);
> I caught the comments in README (" objects are now translated
> without T"), and meandered my way to the translator and lazyT classes in
>, and the one line environment setup of 'T' in
> Ok - I believe you ... it does this now.
> So, to focus back on this thread a little:
> sulato:
> You can rename the labels for first_name and last_name as you like in your
> application.  To see all those labels translated (e.g. into Japanese), all
> you will need to do is provide the translations for the strings in
> auth.messages in a translation file - that should be it.
> We should probably add some comments in context from the readme into
> (once you know what you're looking at, then you can see that in
> class Messages(),  the line:
>      return str(self['T'](value))
> implicitly calls the __call__() method of the translator class - this really
> deserves a comment here, and probably at the head of the message section(s)
> in (that looks to be all).
> Massimo - ok if I add some brief comments and send a patch?
> - Yarko
> On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Yarko Tymciurak <> wrote:
> > to clarify, it doesn't look to me like the default auth messages are
> > translatable unless the application author re-assigns them with T()
> > strings...
> > Is that an accurate assesment?
> > By lazy-assignment, I meant delayed processing of T() so that it picks up
> > the session settings;  as it is, I see no default T() of the messages
> > anywhere...
> > On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Yarko Tymciurak <> wrote:
> >> On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 6:19 PM, mdipierro <>wrote:
> >>> > I wonder if some sort of lazy message assignment/translation would be
> >>> > reasonable / possible..
> >>> Already in trunk. ;-)
> >> Hmmmm..... this is not obvious to me...  for example,  how is translation
> >> handled for the messages?
> >> even after this post, and searching thru the code, I look at (for
> >> example) Auth.retrieve_password(): line 1161:
> >> session.flash = self.messages.email_sent
> >> and nowhere do I see a re-assignment or opportunity for the
> >> messages.email_sent message to get T()'ified;
> >> Am I missing something?
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