> You don't need to use rewrite rules to do the latter, you can
> generalise both to:
>  WSGIScriptAliasMatch ^/(admin|welcome|examples)(/.*)?$ /path/to/
> web2py/wsgihandler.py/$1$2
> With this approach though, you have to modify the configuration every
> time you add a new application.
> That configuration has to be changed makes it unsuitable if
> dynamically adding applications. This is where other configurations
> which route everything into web2py which isn't static resource of
> script file is better. You just need to know whether you want root web
> page to be handled by web2py or not as that would change how it is
> done.


Thanks for this.  I struggled with this for a while before using
pushing it on mod_rewrite (the voodo of apache).  I'm going to switch
up my config to do it this way and also incorporate some of your
suggestions from your blog post.

Your blog entries should be in the manual.

Well done!

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