yes this is entirely online. I record the lectures (2.5hrs/week) and
you watch them online. They will be intermediate level since they
assume no knowledge of python, web2py, ajax or google app engine. They
do assume knowledge of html, css, sql.

Anyway the exact content of the course is negotiable with the students
as long as compatible with the course description. We do not use
canned courses so no material has been recorded already.

I do not know the exact cost. I think it is about $1000. The cost is
the same (per hour) as the java programs that the school offers. This
mostly because you get a DePaul IPD certificate.

I usually have students work on projects so you can work on your own
projects but 1) you will be graded on it (so I expect a project
proposal and a completed project at the end of the course) 2) your
work for the class has to be released open source (I cannot grade you
on proprietary material). I cannot quantify how many hours of work
this requires for you. Not much at the beginning but I am going to
make sure you have 3 very busy weeks.


On Aug 29, 12:42 am, "Francois (Jersey)"
<> wrote:
> how many hours of work are expected for this 5 weeks course?
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