The problem is that you return cliente=clientes[0] i.e. a single
client, not multimple Rows, but in view you loop over c{{for cliente
in cliente:}} as if cliente were Rows and not a single cliente.

My advice is:

def show():
    ''' ver cliente '''
    nome = request.vars.nome
    if not len(clientes): redirect(URL(r=request, f='clientes'))
    return dict(cliente=clientes[0])

{{extend 'layout.html'}}

<h1>Clientes arquivados.</h1>
    <b>Nome: {{=A(cliente.nome, _href=URL(r=request, f='show?nome=%s'
% cliente.nome))}}</b> <br />
    <b>Contacto:</b> {{=cliente.contacto}}<br />
    <b>Email:</b> {{}}<br />
    <b>Morada:</b> {{=cliente.morada}}<br />
    <br />


On Sep 9, 6:51 am, Carlos Aboim <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the next files.
> I want to retrieve just a record from a list in database.
> controller   --->
> view           --->
> but it gives me the next error:
> error output ---> invalid function
> by the way, if the retrieved info has a special caracter it doesnt
> render giving a unicode error. How do I declare a coding other than in
> the controller that is already done?!
> thank you in advanced
> Carlos Aboim
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